This site is dedicated to the robots of yesterday,
today and tomorrow. Inside you will find information on companies that
produce or have produced robots that enriched our life's as well as laying a
foundation for new technologies. Many robots covered here were
difficult to find when they were made and are now next to impossible to locate.
We will cover commercially available personal and educational robots as well as
Promotional / Show robots and educational robot arm trainers. You can find
links to available resources and active newsgroups and even repair options.
I am always looking for robot
parts and whole robots. If you have one just
sitting around, feel free to let us
know. We are
always expanding the family.

A few of my "Friends"
I would like to thank the many people
who have helped out with the site. Gathering info
on these robots is a daunting task and many times hard
to come by. I have tried to give credit whenever
possible for use of pictures and text. I would
especially like to thank
The Old Robots for helping to format
many pictures and writing out pieces of the text you
will find with in.
to get some content here, but tons more to add. I am still gathering articles and pictures to post as
when I can. If you would like to contribute information, stories or pictures, feel free to email. Much of what is here currently is a lot of my notes and placeholders for future ramblings. But for now, ON to the droids!